Title: Biopolymer-based membranes: Green technologies for the separation of oil water mixtures and the reduction of oil pollution


Oil spills create a serious damage to the ecosystem, which leads to the death of plants, algae, birds and fish. Wastewater from oil refineries, oil producing enterprises and produce water cause significant environmental damage. Membranes occupy a special place in water treatment technologies because they have many advantages such as high technological efficiency, multiple use capability and environmental friendliness. Development of biopolymer-based membranes for separation of oil-water mixture is one of the perspective ways for protective of environmental from oil pollutions. Our review is focused on the demonstration properties of biopolymer-based membranes and commercially available filtering material under trade mark Spilltex®. Spilltex® is modification of cotton textile by biopolymers such as polysaccharides in form of microgels. These biopolymers are obtained from natural raw materials such as sugar beet pulp and apple pomace under trade mark Biomicrogel®. Spilltex® demonstrate super hydrophilic properties, which allows it to selectively pass water fluх and repulse the oil droplets. Flux of purified water through the Spilltex® is more than 4 times higher than for similar membranes and separation efficiency of oil water mixtures is 99,9%. Various industrial applications of Spilltex® was demonstrated including oil spill response, protection of shoreline from oil and separation oil-water mixtures in pilot trials. The Spilltex® are promising eco-friendly technologies for separation of oil-water mixtures, oil spill response, wastewater treatment of oil refineries and oil producing enterprises. Spilltex® can be used as a filter material in filters, as skimmers, as protective barriers to trap petroleum products in shallow rivers, filtering material to protection the shoreline from oil spill, as well as for the manufacture of nets for manual collection of petroleum products. Spilltex® can be applicate in petroleum, chemical and even in food industries, because they are made from biodegradable materials.

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