Title: Interplay of proximity effects in superconductor or ferromagnet heterostructures


Because of the possibility that they may be used in superconducting spintronics devices, the study of proximity effects in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid nano structures is now receiving a great deal of attention. The magnetic field intrinsic to the ferromagnet can alter the characteristics of the hybrid structure and may manifest itself in a variety of ways of which the spin-triplet correlations are of primary importance. With us the objective is to explore the production of Long Ranged Triplets and their effects on the density of states and critical temperature of the structure. We make use of an epitaxial system consisting of NbN(S-layer)/GdN(F-layer), that has different degrees of in-plane spin orbit coupling which arises from magnetocrystalline anisotropy and serves as a source of LRTs. The work is supported by Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), a statutory body of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India for financial support (Grant No. MTR/2021/000524).

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