Mirela Petruta Suchea


The talks were of very good quality. The conference was enjoyable, with fewer technical issues than other online events. But the webpage looks awful. The speaker’s images are distorted and it is unclear. To quantify the contribution to the professional development of such an event, one should define some criteria to be considered. As a senior scientist, dissemination of our work on such events and interaction with other scientists in the field is quite necessary and welcome. Yes, Peers Alley, Canada did excellent in the context of such an unfriendly webpage/call/media coverage that the event had. It would be very helpful for your future events to improve the website quality and the marketing approach and, eventually, give the possibility for publication in some high-quality (Q1/Q2) journals that allow a broad range of subjects as the event has.

+1 (506) 909-0537