Material characterization is the progression of measuring and determining physical, chemical, mechanical and microstructural properties of materials. It describes the features of the composition and structure including defects of a material that are considerable for a particular preparation, study of properties.
Materials theory is a research field which focuses on modeling, predicting, and designing materials. Using simulator-based methods based on theoretical solid-state physics and materials mechanics, we can resolve material behavior and predict material properties, develop model systems for materials in their complex application or industrialized context and reduce them to the decisive factors.
Market Analysis: Phase Change Materials (PCMs) constitute the largest growing material type with a robust 20% CAGR in the global market for Smart Materials. The increasing application of structural products in applications, such as shipping and packaging, building resources, electronics cooling and energy storage would further propel demand for these materials. Piezoelectric Materials corner is the largest share of the global Smart materials market, accounting for a forecast 66% share in 2018. For More Details:
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